Youth volunteers
Cub Scout Day Camp is a unique volunteer opportunity experience. You will be working with cubs aged 6-10, in an outdoor camp environment. There are two sessions, Cub Week & Webelos Week. You are welcome to work one or both sessions. Volunteer hours can be counted for rank and/or school requirements.
If ScoutsBSA youth are applying for these positions, they should all be First Class rank and 14+ yrs old. Positions are limited in number for both weeks. Please apply soon to secure your spot. Are you 11-13 and would still like to help around camp? Please contact us for opportunities for younger Troop aged Scouts.
Be able and ready to help lead and/or teach groups of young Cubs. Come prepared to work hard. You will make new friends, and finish the week with pride in a job well done.
There is NO mobile phone usage during camp hours.
Bring a sack lunch and a water bottle.
Youth volunteers who are registered Scouts should come to camp wearing their Field Uniform (tan shirt, tucked in properly). Non-Scout youth volunteers should arrive dressed in activity-appropriate clothing while on-site. No cut-off or tattered shorts, no short skirts, no yoga pants, no “booty shorts”, underwear may not be visible, and shirts will be required. No sandals or low-cut or midriff shirts. Bathing suits or swimwear of any kind are prohibited. Overly tight clothing, or clothing with obviously offensive or distasteful slogans or graphics will not be tolerated. Swearing or abusive language is not allowed in any form. This is a G-rated camp.
Training meet and greet
We will have a training meet and greet for all youth staff.
Youth working during Cub Week will meet on July 10th at 6pm in the camp area.
Youth working during Webelos Week will meet on July 17th at 6pm in the camp area.

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