Participating in Scouting for Food serves your community. When your unit signs up you are supporting your neighbors who may be experiencing food insecurity. 

What is Scouting for Food?

Scouting for Food is a massive, annual, council wide food drive.  This community service project is a dedicated opportunity for your unit to help fight hunger locally.  Each year, scouts collect thousands of pounds of food for local food banks in the Chief Seattle Council area or for operations that serve these food banks. Your hard work makes a world of difference. Each year, scouts collect well over 60,000 pounds of food. 

Some food banks have stopped collecting physical donations, so make sure to check to make sure that your chosen food bank or pantry can accept your non-perishable donations. 

When does this happen?

The official recommended collection day for Chief Seattle Council is March 23th, 2024.  We focus on March because we want to help neighborhood food banks fill their shelves at a time of year when needs are high and supplies are low.  However, if this date does not work for your group, you can choose another date any time throughout the year that works better with your schedule.

How does Scouting for Food work?

Scout units choose a time and day to canvas neighborhoods to collect food donations or you may choose to contact a store about setting up a donation at a local supermarket as a collection point from customers.  

Once the food has been collected, you can take it to your local food bank.  Please make sure to contact your food bank ahead of time to make a physical donation, most have specific donation times so that they can be prepared to help sort and unload.  

Be sure to use the form below to sign up your unit, when completed come back and tell us how you did so that your unit can receive credit and your Scouting for Food ribbon for your flag pole!

Units are responsible for printing their own flyers. If you desire to use the door hanger system you may use the fillable form below. Please do not leave these without returning to pick up the donation. 

Other ways to participate: 

Food Bank Farm – Any activity or service project that helps to provide food to food banks and those experiencing food insecurity in our community counts as a Scouting for Food activity. This can be done with local farms, gleaning fruit or harvesting left over crop.  

One great alternative is to sign up to help harvest food at the Snohomish Food Bank Farm.  This farm plants donated seeds of different vegetables throughout the year and then, with the help of volunteers, harvests the produce and donates it to Food Lifeline. There are different vegetables that need to be harvested at different times of the year, so check out their sign ups to see when the next harvest will be.  Don’t forget to fill out the sign up below too!

Sign Up Your Unit

Tell Us How Your Unit Did