Let Scouts Recycle Your Christmas Tree!
Many Scouts BSA troops in Alpine and Mt Tahoma Districts will recycle your Christmas tree in exchange for a donation. Your donations are a critical part of their ability to provide a quality Scouting program for local youth.
Here are links to local Mountain Territory troops that offer Christmas tree recycling. If you have questions, please contact the Troop covering your city. If your troop’s tree recycling or tree sale lot is not represented here, please contact the Sammamish Scout Tree Drive.
Scout Troop 676 Issaquah
Date: Saturday January 7th 2023
Pickup areas: Talus and South Cove
Map for Talus: Troop 676 Christmas tree recycling – Talus Map
Pickup area for South Cove: Northwestern portion of Issaquah, the South Cove neighborhood and adjacent developments. Essentially, NORTH of I-90, and WEST of Lake Sammamish State Park.
Contact: http://www.bsatroop676.com
Scout Troop 709 Issaquah
Date: Saturday January 7th 2023
Pickup area: Lakemont including Montreux, Village Park Drive, Cougar Mountain Way and portions of Forest Drive.
Map: Troop 709 Scout Christmas tree recycling (google map)
Contact: https://www.troopwebhost.org/Troop709Issaquah/
Issaquah Highlands and Sammamish
Scout Troop 571/5749, 636, 677, 695/8695, 751 in Sammamish and Issaquah Highlands
Date: Saturday January 7th 2023
Pickup area: Sammamish and Issaquah Highlands – North of I-90 and south of Redmond Fall City Road
Map: Sammamish Scout Christmas tree recycling
Contact: https://scouttreedrive.org/index.php/contact-us
More info: https://scouttreedrive.org
North Bend, Snoqualmie, Fall City
Scout Troop 1776, 466 and 425 – Snoqualmie Valley
Date: Saturday, January 7th, 2023 from 9am to 2pm
Pickup area: Snoqualmie (both downtown and ridge), North Bend town areas and Fall City.
Contact: scouttroop1776@gmail.com
Flyer with donation options: Snoqualmie Valley Tree Recycling Flyer 2023
Renton, Kent, Covington area
Mt Tahoma District Scout Troops
Date: Saturday January 7th, 9am-3pm
Pickup area: Renton, Kent and Covington
Map: Mt Tahoma Scout Christmas tree recycling (google map)
Contact: Todd Daniels (Troop406@outlook.com)
Drop info for units: Service Club Ball Fields located at 14608 SE 288th St, Kent, WA 98042 Units will need enough Scouts / volunteers to unload their own trees. For the units that plan to drop off at this location, please send Todd Daniels the contact phone # of the person in your unit that will have the information that you are completed with pick up.

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