Peninsulas Territory Service Area Advancement

General advancement information including National advancement resources is available on the Chief Seattle Council Advancement page.  See below for Eagle Advancement information specific to the Peninsulas Territory Service Area.

*This is the name to enter in the block “Council or District Project Approval Representative” of the Eagle Project Workbook at the bottom of page B.

**This is also the address for your postage paid letters for recommendation.

Sherry Bougan
Kitsap Advancement Committee Chair
9981 Central Valley Rd
Bremerton, WA 98311

Email Sherry at


Jim Sherwood
Mt. Olympus Advancement Committee Chair
2201 W Sims Way, Port Townsend, WA 98368-2266

Email Jim at


ARE YOU A SCOUT? CLICK HERE to download the Life to Eagle Checklist

Eagle candidates need to be aware of and follow several essential procedures in order to properly submit all paperwork required for Eagle advancement and to avoid processing delays. All Life Scouts who are starting their work toward the Eagle rank should carefully review this checklist.


If you live in Kitsap County or near by, the drop off location is at:
VFW Post 4992
9981 Central Valley Road
Bremerton, WA 98311

– Look for the brown box on the doorstep. Then contact the Committee Advancement Chair and advise the packet is in there so it does not get lost.


If you live in Clallam County or near by, the drop off location is at:
Fred Lewis Scout Cabin
3075 Discovery Road
Port Townsend, WA 98368

– Contact the Committee Advancement Chair Jim Sherwood to coordinate when to meet for the handoff so it does not get lost.




Scouts click on the handout link to download this document. Print and give it to the benefiting organization’s representative as soon as potential project discussions begin. This is a two-page information document intended to help ensure that Eagle Scout service project beneficiaries are aware of the purposes for the projects, the approval process, their responsibilities, and key restrictions and limitations.

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook 

Please note that the ENTIRE workbook should be printed and submitted when working the Eagle Scout Service Projects (NOT JUST THE PROPOSAL SECTION).

  •  Do Not try to e-sign the book. That will lock you out and you will have to start again.
  •  Before starting your project the Guide to advancement section says the coach only meets with the scout after the proposal is approved. Please reach out to Carl Olson or or to have your project approved.
  • Workbook pages B-H should be submitted for project approval. Carl or Jim will advise you if there are any further needs.

Please securely bind the pages of the workbook in some manner (it should not be submitted as loose or paper-clipped sheets), and remember to include photos of the project work (before, and during) and results.  An example from a fellow Eagle Scout is here.

Guidelines for Tool Use and Work at Elevations or Excavations

Eagle candidates are expected to review and apply the guidelines in this document (No. 680-028), which are intended to help ensure that:

  • Service projects are planned with only “age-appropriate” use of hand and power tools.
  • Personal protective equipment is used when needed.
  • Appropriate training in the use of tools is provided.
  • Qualified adult supervision is continuous during the service project.

Eagle Scout Letter of Recommendation Form

Follow the below instructions to fill out and mail the form.

  • This form should be provided to all individuals who will provide letters of recommendation for Eagle Scout candidates (Eagle rank advancement Requirement 2). Address for the letters, for your area, is provided above.
  • The Eagle Candidate is expected to provide an Eagle Scout Letter of Recommendation Form to ALL FIVE individuals (or SIX, if employed) who is listed in the Requirement 2 section of the Eagle Scout Rank Application.
  • The letter-writers selected by the Eagle Candidate should be people who can address how the candidate lives by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in daily life (that is, OUTSIDE of Scouting activities), and from the specific perspective indicated by the line on which they are listed (Parents/Guardians, Religious, Educational, etc.).
  • Unit leaders or other adults associated with the Scout’s unit SHOULD NOT be listed as the references in the requirement 2 section UNLESS they ALSO know the Eagle Candidate OUTSIDE of Scouting, such as by being a neighbor, coach, relative, etc. However, an additional letter from the Unit Leader is always welcome.
  • When the Eagle Candidate asks the individuals to provide a letter of recommendation, the scout should mention the specific line on the application for which they are listed (for the Religious, Educational, and Employer lines) and also provide each person a pre-stamped envelope, pre-addressed (but with NO return address on the envelope) for mailing to:

Peninsula Territory Service Area Advancement Chairman

Sherry Bougan
Kitsap Advancement Committee Chair
9981 Central Valley Rd
Bremerton, WA 98311
Click to Email Sherry

  Jim Sherwood
Mt. Olympus Advancement Committee Chair
3075 Discovery Rd
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Click to Email Jim

These recommendations may also be emailed to: Jim at or for convenience.

Eagle Scout Rank Application

  • There are two forms of this form the Manual form above and the automated form in Scoutbook.
  • This is a fillable pdf version of the current Eagle Scout Rank Application form.
  • Before submitting this application, be sure to check all dates for accuracy and to ensure that they match those in official Chief Seattle Council advancement records. This can be completed by reviewing the individual advancement report in Scoutbook.
  • Scoutbook will generate this application form for you. Please ensure all your dates and signatures are completed as some “required” items will not auto-populate.
  • Last Step : 

    Submit the above, completed, Eagle Scout Rank Application to the Council Service Center at this address. Do not send your project workbook only the Eagle Scout Rank Application. 

    Chief Seattle Council Service Center
    3120 Rainier Ave S
    Seattle, WA 98114
    Phone: 206-725-5200
    Fax: 206-721-8985


    After you have submitted your Eagle Scout Rank Application, the Council will verify your application and forward it to the Peninsulas Eagle Scout Board of Review Coordinator who will then contact you to schedule your Board of Review and request any further documentation needed.


For Scouts and Unit Leaders

Service Project Planning Guidelines

  • This document helps to guide a service project planner through important project management topics, including: the service project safety planning process, hazard analysis and recognition, proper use and storage of tools and equipment, weather considerations, health / sanitation considerations, and project assessment and monitoring.
  • Eagle candidates will likely find a review of this document (No. 680-027) to be helpful while they plan their Eagle Scout Service Projects, as these guidelines represent elements that should appear in the Final Plan section of their Eagle Scout Service Project Workbooks.
  • Unit leaders and Eagle Scout Service Project Coaches should review these guidelines to ensure that safety considerations are effectively addressed for all Eagle Scout Service Projects, as these projects are official unit activities, and minors cannot and must not be held responsible for safety concerns.

Are You A Current Eagle Project Coach Or Interested In Becoming One?

Council provides a Eagle FAQ of the things most missed and updates in the processing of packages. Please review.

This application must be submitted in order to become approved to serve as an Eagle Project Coach for Peninsula Territory Service Area Scouts. Individuals who wish to become a Project Coach must first: (1) attend a training session on the role of the roles and responsibilities of Eagle Scout Service Project Coaches, the use of the Eagle Service Project Workbook, and related administrative procedures, (2) be registered in a BSA Adult position, and (3) be current on Youth Protection Training. Application forms should be submitted directly to Chief Seattle Council.