New Merit Badge Counselor Registration
Aurora Scouters:
Congratulations! Now that your unit has completed your annual re-charter, worked on your unit inventory, and made steps toward Journey to Excellence you have some time to relax. With all of that behind you I know what you are thinking, what will I do with all my spare time? You may consider taking your unit to Winter Camp at Camp Sheppard, researching campsites and hikes for the springtime, prepping for summer camp, or best of all, registering all of your adult leaders as merit badge counselors.
That’s right, merit badge counselors are in high demand in our district. Not only to staff our incredible Merit Badge Fair, held twice a year, but to help your scouts advance toward Star, Life, and Eagle ranks. Without adults to teach the valuable life/vocational skills offered with the 137 merit badges currently made available by the Boy Scouts of America, we couldn’t tout that we are meeting “The Aims of Scouting” through character, citizenship, and fitness development. Please look over this link to see which merit badges are currently available for you to become a counselor.
Here’s how easy it is: 1) Designate a unit Merit Badge point of contact; 2) Download and print out the file “MBC Information Form”; 3) Distribute the form to all of your registered adult leaders (Scoutmaster/Coach, Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Chair, Committee Members, Charter Organization Representative, Commissioner, etc.) during one of your Troop/Team meetings; 4) Collect all of the forms back at a meeting; and 5) Submit the forms by scanning and emailing the stack to both Barrett Taylor, Council Merit Badge Counselor Registrar, and Paul Monahan, Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator, for processing. All of your active unit adults are welcome and encouraged to register as a merit badge counselor.
It’s that simple.
Let’s serve our district units better by having multiple counselors available offering a variety of badges. If you or your leaders are already registered as counselors please have them check with your scoutmaster or committee chair. They are periodically sent a list of all currently registered counselors in our district. If any corrections need to be made to the district merit badge counselor list please email as soon as possible to make changes.
Paul Monahan
Aurora District
Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator