Council Calendar on iPhone and Android
When looking for Council or District events on via a smartphone, we recommend using the Teamup app instead of the mobile browser. The Teamup app provides smoother navigation and eliminates issues when viewing the Council calendar on mobile browsers. Both iPhone and Android are supported. Getting started is easy!
Install Teamup Calendar (“The Shared Calendar for Groups”) by Teamup Solutions AG on your iPhone or Android smartphone.
Launch the app. You will be asked to “Please enter a calendar URL” on the “Connect a Calendar” prompt.
Copy and paste this calendar key: ks8b77f814186a2ec0
Teamup will automatically prepend “” before the key. Tap “Continue”. This will add ALL the events on the Chief Seattle Council calendar including ALL District calendars to the Teamup app. Your other calendars are not affected. Now tap the menu in the upper left. Select only the calendars relevant to you by tapping the boxes on the left. The available sub-calendars include:
- -Council
- -Training
- Camping
- District calendars: Alpine, Aurora, Duwamish, Kitsap, Lake Shores, Mt Olympus, Mt Tahoma, Northern Trails
- Order of the Arrow
- Venturing
- xHolidays
You can also change the calendar view on the same menu. Please note Teamup is separate from your native Calendar app on your smartphone. Adding Teamup will not change other calendars. You can however, copy a calendar entry from Teamup to your own calendar by opening an event in Teamup and tapping the the “Share” icon. Then you can share to “Another calendar” (needs access to your native calendar) or “Another app” (like Outlook, GMail, etc).
Teamup also has a widget to accompany the app on iPhones. Visit: Widget for the iOS App Available on App Store.
If you need any additional help with Teamup and what the app offers, view this article on
Additional help – Access to Teamup on Mobile Devices
If you need further help, please Contact Us
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