Welcome to Scouting and congratulations on joining!  Chief Seattle Council offers a variety of programs for Scouts aged 14-20.  This includes adventures to complete badges of rank, outdoor activities, summer and winter camping and more!  Let’s get started!
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Engage with your Unit!

  • Join your unit meetings regularly
  • Begin on your first rank or join your first adventure
  • Review the Youth Protection Guidelines for Scouting

Volunteer - Your help is needed!

Learn About District Events and Trainings

  • Use our District Finder to locate your District or ask your Unit Advisor.
  • Explore your District page for more Scouting activities.
  • Use the TeamUp app to put your District calendar on your smartphone!
  • Join your District mailing list to stay informed about District activities

Learn about Council Camping Opportunities

  • Chief Seattle Council offers Summer and Winter programs for older Scouts, as well as staffing opportunities
  • Districts also offer Day Camp staffing opportunities during the summer
  • Your entire family can enjoy a summer camp experience with Camp Getaway!
  • Your family can take advantage of BSA camps for your own family outing
  • Read more here: Chief Seattle Council Camps for Scouts BSA and Venturing (Ages 15+)

Learn about these Scouting Programs


to read the local and BSA resources for advanced Scouting programs.