Volunteers, Klondike Soup, and Webelos
Everyone needs to bring two cans of soup to be turned in at check-in. One can goes into the soup pot, which will be available starting at 11:45 am on Saturday for adult volunteers only. The second can of soup will be donated to a local food bank. Each adult should bring a cup or bowl and an eating utensil to enjoy a helping from the soup pot.
Scouters, wandering adults, “just drivers”, and officious looking council staff will be put to work. If you have a preference, or would like to command an event, contact the Klondike committee! Like last year, the games and program areas will be staffed with experienced Youth and Adults. Experienced Youth not participating in a patrol are encouraged to help staff events and program areas. All attending adults should plan on volunteering to assist. Volunteers should meet at the Klondike Headquarters at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and ask how they can help.
Webelos are invited to attend either as a Webelos Patrol or as a guest of a Scouts BSA patrol. We encourage troops to invite the Webelos into the troop for the day. Webelos will not be allowed to Winter-Over on Friday night, unless they are the guest of a Troop and have their own separate sleeping area and adult supervision. If you want to stay over on Saturday Night, we recommend you ask a troop to sponsor you. The “Webelos sled” is ok, but the events are geared to the wood sled.
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